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- The next big demand on your gyms Wi-Fi - Wearable tech
Wearables if you didn't already know are taking the market by storm, either your members are wearing smart watches that read their heart rates, head phones with built in body coaches or full body readers to detect muscle utilization and exertion, I can guarantee you wearables are already inside your gym.
The vast majority of these wearables to date used bluetooth to communication to an application on the users smart device where the users app would typically look for a connection its cloud service. Bluetooth devices which share the same 2.4Ghz frequency as Wi-F creates the opportunity to congest and interfere with existing Wi-Fi access – something to consider when reviewing your own network issues. Many new wearables entering the market today are also Wi-Fi enabled from Apple, Google and other big brands.
So what does this mean for the Gym network and what impact will it have?
Members are becoming more adapt to using their wearables during their workouts and everyday life, and will expect a good user experience from the network, poorly performing Wi-Fi just won’t cut it anymore.
So what do you need for you Wi-Fi network?
You need to offer consistent speed, availability and reliability.
A few steps can be taken to assess your existing network performance and tweak a few settings to keep it running for longer before the innevitable switch to a more reliable Wi-Fi network is demanded by your members!
What steps can likely be taken to improve your existing Wi-Fi networks performance?
A few settings and adjustments to your existing network may be just enough to give you extra life within your network before being forced to consider a network refresh.
You can attach value added services to your Wi-Fi to maximize both user experience and return on investments.
Branding with captive portal - Enabling a branded portal using a third party guest solution such as Guest Manager or possibly the built in functionality offered by your vendors access points allows you to provide an additional touch point of branding, information about classes, personal trainers, charity events, promotions and more.
Social sharing and marketing - Many guest solutions encourage users to Check-In socially or to engage with them on social media. What's great about this? It's free advertising for your gym as friends of potential similar interests are getting updates from your members about their gym.
Member Statistics - There are a few similar solutions on the market depending on the manufacturer of the Access Points, but if you have a Ruckus Network, a solution such as RetailOne offers an analytical platform. Albeit a solution targeted for retailers, it can be used to gather additional intelligence about your member’s. You can gather detailed information on areas of the gym that are highly used during peaks of the day, where and how long people linger in the café area and more.
Any gym manager will already know from experience where and when the congested areas are, but for those who would like more statistical analysis to support decisions when deciding what classes to put on at what time, or what marketing efforts are helping entice members into the café area and keeping them within the café, the reports that can be extracted to provide visual reports and such management decision trackable.
Source: IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker June 2016