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Wi-Fi is now being considered a commodity and pretty much all businesses have it, or are looking into implementing it. So you need to make sure you are taking the right precautions and making the right decisions when it comes to your Wi-Fi security. Like with your physical network you want to make sure that it’s being secured using the industries best practise methods to protect your company’s Intellectual property. With GDPR now in place you need to make sure that your Wi-Fi network is also secured in such a way to protect your data.
Far too many companies are still using pre-shared keys (PSK). Businesses are setting up Wi-Fi networks and handing out that PSK to whoever requires it in some cases. The problem with this is you have no control over who uses that PSK. People share PSK’s so it becomes very apparent that people who you don’t necessarily want to have access to your network have it without you even knowing. This also creates issues as you can’t revoke access to specific users. So when you have staff leave they could in theory jump onto the network again. The only way to stop this happening is by changing the PSK which then brings lots of headaches to the IT team.
IT staff shouldn’t be spending lots of time solving network access issues related to incorrect passwords being entered, or having to allocate access for users if they don’t have user self-service abilities. Not only is this costly it’s a bad use of their time as its takes them away from the day to day operational needs of the business.
Any device that’s onboarded onto your network should have an upfront security posture check. If not, it can leave you open to all types of security issues such as malware. This can leave to further costs in you having to rectify the issues it has caused or even leave you open to Ransomware attacks. However, the biggest cost to your business could be the loss of your intellectual property, all because you underestimated the importance of security on your Wi-Fi.
If you think about it you would never accept these security flaws above on your local area network, so why do businesses even entertain it on their wireless networks, especially when Wi-Fi networks are more easily open to security attacks. CloudPath offers a solution that will prevent all of the above with an incredible management free solution, that is very easy to setup and use.
Secure Network Access
Self-Service Onboarding and Device Enablement
Certificate Management
Policy Management
Third-Party Integration via APIs
Contact DigitalAir Wireless if you would like a free demo or consultation.